General Information

Click on the links below to be taken to more information about that topic.

Amenities – television, telephone and guest wifi

Guest wifi, television and phone services are available in every patient room. Laptops are available through the Hospital, but the supply is limited. For more information, please ask your nurse.


Admission information

For all non-emergency patients, the Patient Registration Department is located on the Third Floor of the Hospital. Patient Registration is open Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 6:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. To access the Third Floor take the visitor elevators located in the First and Fourth Floor Lobbies. Upon exiting the elevators, proceed straight ahead. Patient Registration will be to your left.

If the Patient Registration office is closed, admissions and registrations will be completed in the Emergency Department registration office – also located on the Third Floor of the Hospital.

Patients wishing to pre-register for lab services, for the next business day, should call 412.344.3408 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.



ATMs are located in the Fourth Floor Lobby of the Hospital, across from the inpatient cashier and in the First Floor Lobby near the elevators.


Bill payment

Click here to pay your Hospital bill online.

Billing questions

A Care Manager will check your insurance coverage and notify the insurance company of your admission to St. Clair Hospital. The manager will obtain all necessary authorizations. Patients should check with their insurance provider for a complete listing of your coverage.

Billing questions can be answered by our Customer Service department by calling 412.344.3408 from 8:00am to 4:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday or from 8:00am to 7:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Visit our Financial Tools page to find out whether St. Clair is an in-network provider for your insurance plan, get an estimate of what St. Clair’s services will cost, or pay your bill online.


Birth Certificate – obtaining a copy

A copy of your Birth Certificate must be obtained through the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The request can be made by telephone, U.S. mail or the Internet.

Division of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1528
Room 401, Central Building
101 South Mercer Street
New Castle, PA 16101


Cell phone policy

Patients and visitors are permitted to use cell phones in the Hospital, providing the phones and phone conversations do not disrupt patient care or recovery. If necessary, staff will ask that cell phones be placed in the vibrate mode and cell phones not be used in patient care areas, including patient, treatment and procedure rooms.


Dining options for visitors

Outpatients and visitors can select from two dining choices at St. Clair Hospital: Café 4, located in the Fourth Floor Lobby, and the cafeteria, located on the Second Floor of the Hospital. Click here for more informaiton.



Directions can be found on our Parking, Maps and Directions page.


Discharge time

We will make every attempt to discharge you as early in the day as possible, but your physician may discharge you at any time. Your nurse will notify you several hours before discharge. If you need assistance with securing transportation, please inform a member of the nursing staff as soon as possible. Your safety is our first priority and transitioning from the Hospital is a complex process. Once your doctor has discharged you, we want to make sure that all the details are in order. We may need to check with consulting physicians, await test results, etc. We will make every effort to keep you informed of the discharge schedule.


Employment at St. Clair Hospital

Click here to browse current St. Clair Hospital jobs.


Financial assistance

St. Clair Hospital provides a Financial Assistance program for uninsured patients or patients with high balances after insurance coverage. Click here (PDF) for instructions to make application for financial assistance. To view our Financial Assistance Policy click here (PDF). The Financial Assistance program may be able to assist you with expenses incurred from the services received during your recent visit. Click here (PDF) to review the financial assistance application to determine if you are eligible for assistance.


Flowers and gifts policy

Flowers or gifts addressed to patients will be delivered to patient rooms. If they arrive after a patient has been discharged from the Hospital, they are returned to the florist. For health precautions, plants and flowers may be prohibited from the Oncology Unit, Intensive Care Unit and the Psychiatry and Mental Health Unit. Please call the nursing unit prior to sending flowers to determine if the patient may receive these items. Flowers are availble at the Hospital Gift Shop and can be purchased by calling 412.942.4158.


Gift Shop

The St. Clair Gift Shop is located in the Fourth Floor Lobby of the Hospital. The shop provides a wide selection of merchandise including flowers, baby clothes, books, candy, greeting cards, jewelry, magazines and toys. Staffed by volunteers, all proceeds support the St. Clair Hospital Foundation. To make a purchase, visit the Gift Shop or call 412.942.4158.

Monday–Friday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Hotel Accommadations

Crowne Plaza Hotel – Greentree

401 Holiday Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Crowne Plaza Hotel Pittsburgh South – Bethel Park

164 Fort Couch Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15241

DoubleTree – Greentree

498 Mansfield Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Extended Stay Pittsburgh – Carnegie

520 North Bell Avenue
Carnegie, PA 15106

Hampton Inn – Greentree

555 Trumbull Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh –

1000 Corporate Drive
Cannonsburg, PA 15317

Holiday Inn Express – Bridgeville

3053 Washington Pike
Bridgeville, PA 15017
1.800.315.2621 reservations

Holiday Inn Express – Greentree

875 Greentree Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

SpringHill Suites – Mt. Lebanon

611 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15228


Individuals with disabilities

St. Clair Hospital is committed to ensure that all patients and visitors with disabilities have reasonable and equal access to the facilities, services and programs of the Hospital.

St. Clair Hospital is committed to providing the highest quality of care to all patients. Any patient who is disabled is entitled to receive services that are equivalent to and as effective as those provided to patients who are not disabled. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, services and auxiliary aids are available upon request. If any of the listed services are needed, the Hospital will make every effort to meet your needs.

If you have difficulty in accessing the Hospital or participating in services and programs, please contact the Social Services Department at 412.942.2480, from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. For evenings, weekends, and holidays, contact the Hospital switchboard at 412.942.4000 and ask for the Patient Placement Manager. St. Clair Hospital personnel will assist you.

Click here for more information regarding accessing selected areas and services of the Hospital.


Insurance pre-authorization

Pre-authorization is required for specified services based on your insurance company’s requirements and processing guidelines. Required pre-authorization for service must be obtained prior to the date of service to minimize the risk of increased patient responsibility or deferred service. In most cases, the doctor who is requesting the service will work with your insurance company to obtain authorization for service. Some insurance companies can take up to 72 hours to process and provide authorization.

If you have questions regarding any insurance coverage, please contact your insurance company directly.

Please bring your insurance card with you to the Hospital, if your insurance has changed since your last visit or if it has been more than 45 days between visits. Otherwise, you do not need to bring your card.


Insurance providers

The hospital is an accredited provider of service for Medicare and Medicaid patients. For a list of insurance providers that are currently contracted with St. Clair Hospital, please click here.


Items to bring when admitted

  • A list of all medications and supplements you are currently taking
  • A copy of your living will/advance directives. Click here (PDF) for information about living wills and advance directives

Please leave all valuables including jewelry, money and credit and debit cards at home.


Lab work – registration

Patients can pre-register for laboratory services the day before their visit to the lab. To register, please contact the Patient Access Department Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 412.942.8152. Patients who wish to have services conducted on a Saturday or Monday should pre-register on Friday.

Please have your laboratory service prescription and insurance cards available when calling to register. You will be asked to read your diagnosis and the prescribed lab tests.



Mail is delivered to patient rooms daily by the Hospital’s volunteer courier service. If mail arrives for you after you leave the hospital, it is forwarded to your home address.


For your safety, we ask that your home medications not be taken while in the Hospital. The Hospital’s Pharmacy, in consultation with your physician(s), will provide all necessary prescription medications during your Hospital stay. Please have your family member take these medications home to avoid any problems.


Organ donation

If you or a family member are interested in becoming an Organ Donor, additional information is available through CORE at 1-800-DONORS-7 (1-800-366-6777) or visit the CORE website. To view a copy of information regarding organ donation, please download a copy (PDF).



Click here to visit our comprehensive Parking, Maps and Directions page.


Patient concerns – who to contact

St. Clair Hospital encourages you to discuss any concerns you might have with those directly involved in your care. Or you may contact the Patient Representative at 412.942.1835. St. Clair Hospital procedure notwithstanding, you may address your concerns with:

The Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Acute and Ambulatory Care
P.O. Box 90
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8310

The Joint Commission Office of Quality Monitoring
[email protected]


Patient contact

All St. Clair Hospital patient rooms have direct dial access. Simply dial 412.942, followed by the patient’s four-digit room number. The main Hospital number is 412.942.4000.

Family members can also contact the nurses’ station for updates on your progress. We recommend that one family member be the designated contact person for your family and disseminate the information to other family members. To ensure your privacy, nurses will only release information over the telephone to the designated family member after he or she has been properly identified through a special access code.


Prayer Room

A Prayer Room for patients and visitors is located in the Fourth Floor Lobby.


Smoking policy

St. Clair Hospital is a smoke-free facility. Patients may not smoke during their hospitalization. Visitor smoking is only permitted in the designated shelter on Level E of the Parking Garage.


St. Clair Hospital contact information

Click here for a list of frequently called Hospital phone numbers.


Social Services and discharge planning

St. Clair Hospital’s social workers are experienced professionals who are available to assist patients and their families with discharge planning and other needs related to illness and/or hospitalization. Social workers can arrange for rehabilitation, recuperative or long term care and assisted living. They also provide information and education regarding community resources, such as help in the home, adult day care, meals on wheels, transportation, etc.

For assistance, please call 412.942.2480 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Social work services are confidential and free of charge.


Transportation service

St. Clair offers a free need-based transportation service to patients having difficulty accessing health services to our facilities. Click here for more information.


Valuables and personal property

We advise you to leave your valuables at home for safekeeping. If you have money, credit cards or valuables with you upon admission to the Hospital and are unable to send your valuables home, you can secure them in the Hospital safe. A receipt for your stored valuables will be attached to your inpatient medical record. Upon discharge, with your receipt, you may retrieve your valuables at the inpatient cashier’s office, located on the fourth floor. St. Clair Hospital and its employees are not responsible for the safekeeping or replacement of any items kept at the patient’s bedside or in the patient’s room.


Visiting hours

St. Clair Health recognizes that visits from family and friends are important during a patient’s hospitalization. 

 The following guidelines are in effect until further notice.

  • All permitted visitors and Support Persons must:
    • Be accompanied by an adult if under 16 years of age (and count as 1 visitor);
    • Masks are optional with the following exceptions:
      • Visitors experiencing respiratory symptoms should not enter the facility.
      • Masking is still recommended for severely immunocompromised individuals.
      • Patients and team members experiencing respiratory symptoms are required to mask while in St. Clair Health facilities.
    • Self monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, loss of taste or smell.
  • Inpatient Units: Two (2) visitors at a time are welcome between the hours of 9 AM – 9 PM with the following exceptions:
    • Medical/Surgical Inpatient Unit: Two visitors at a time are welcome between the hours of 9 AM – 9 PM
    • Critical Care Units: Up to two (2) visitors at a time are welcome between the hours of Noon – 2 PM and 5 PM – 7 PM
    • COVID-Positive Patients: Visitation will be on an individual basis in accordance with patient’s clinical condition. Visitors will be given a KN95 mask for use when in the patient’s room and are asked not to utilize common areas of the hospital. 
    • Family Birth Center:
      • During labor and delivery, two (2) support persons over the age of 18 are welcome.
      • In postpartum rooms, two (2) visitors are welcome between the hours of 11 AM – 9 PM. This includes siblings. Any visitor under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
      • One (1) adult support person may stay overnight.
  • Emergency Department: Two visitors may accompany the patient throughout their visit. Note that visitors will be asked to wait in the waiting room during the initial 15-minute assessment of the patient, before joining them in a treatment room where they are asked to remain for the duration of the stay. 

Exceptions to this policy may be made in consultation with the care team under extenuating circumstances. 


Need a primary care provider?

Call us at 412.942.DOCS